Change Associate offers a service to drive growth and profitability of businesses. It is our belief that client’s understand their business better than anyone else can. However, they can benefit from a periodic and objective questioning of where they are, relative to where they wish to be.

We work with companies on the specific realities confronting them to strengthen the link between business objectives and execution

In essence, we collaborate with clients to extract economic value in multiples of the cost of the service by, refining direction, aligning priorities within the company, and developing an execution plan and monitoring mechanism.
Positioning a business or a unit within a company, for rapid and profitable growth

Exploiting specific revenue opportunities i.e. improve efficiency, new segments, reduce costs

Corrective steps for sub optimal performance

Fresh perspectives and providing vigorous challenge

Dispassionate feedback to management.

A short term, cost effective resource that adds economic value

Best practice from a wider experience base
© My CEO
Change Associates
Change Associates